North America Scholastic Esports Federation and Twitch to combine forces, using...
NASEF, the US Embassy in Mexico, and the Benjamin Franklin Library and its...
Hi, I'm Troy Turner. This is my first time making a blog post!
Anyway, I'm 12...
Summer competition gives youth around the world an exciting event to encourage...
The new organization will promote education, community value and sportsmanship...
The North America Scholastic Esports Federation has just awarded scholarships to...
North America Scholastic Esports Federation partners with ZeroGen to help members...
Esports is pretty much the only sport we have in 2020. But even before that,...
North America Scholastic Esports Federation shares expertise in blended play and...
Healthy Player ONE introduces software to monitor and prevent harassment and...
Applications are now live for the 2020-2021 Scholastic Fellow Program!
You can...
NASEF entered the world of high school esports with a mission that sets us apart...
Being in the right place at the right time is critical for taking the perfect...
Careers in Esports: Maikol Brito, Lead Observer for Overwatch League
As a gamer, we often spend the majority of our time trying to...