Combine Winner To Receive $10,000 Grand Prize and One-Year Sponsorship Courtesy of...
(Atlanta, GA, September 25, 2023) – Australian startup Valor Esports is now...
North American High School Students Can Win Prizes, including Grants and...
NASEF is known around the world for our leadership in the scholastic esports...
Step into the world of Re:Play, where passion for gaming and esports converge with...
Growing up, I loved any sort of competition and it was always my goal to win at...
The Network of Academic and Scholastic Esports Federations (NASEF) today announces...
The United States Esports Federation is proud to announce the competitors...
Esports may soon be the biggest sport on the planet. The NASEF’s recent...
Esports is gaining widespread acceptance in schools around the world, by both...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE by Ruckus Media, South Africa
Ruckus Media partners...
If you are an up-and-coming talented esports athlete in titles like Super Smash...
NASEF and Acer provide expert training, coaching curriculum and award-winning...
For the first time in the organization’s history, NASEF, together with...
NASEF and the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) recently presented...
(Sharjah, UAE, 30/5/2023) – Esports are booming, and students in UAE are...