2022 NASEF, NACE, & HSEL Esports Virtual College Fair Recap
Feb 02, 2022
KANSAS CITY, MO- On January 20th, The National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE), a 501(c)(3) and the largest association of varsity collegiate esports programs in North America, teamed up with high school esports groups, the North America Scholastic Esports Federation (NASEF) and the High School Esports League (HSEL), to pair high school students with collegiate esports programs. Student esports athletes registered alongside students interested in esports career paths such as streaming and shoutcasting.
The event was powered by Ping by Tallo, an app that matches students with best-fit colleges based on mutual interests or qualifications. Prior to the event, participating NACE institutions listed criteria that their desired recruits must meet, and invited students answered their questions in order to find the best fit for all parties involved.
Over the course of the event, 51 NACE institutions and 332 students registered, over 14k matches were made between students and esports recruiters, and 1k conversations took place. As for the career interests of the students, 28.5 percent were interested in STEM, 24.1 percent in A/V Technology and Communications, and 22.1 percent in Information Technology.
As for the outcome of the matches made, the students reported that they were "interested" in 64.5 percent of the programs they were matched with via Ping, and collegiate representatives reported that they were "interested" in recruiting 84.5 percent of their student matches.
The need to connect high school esports athletes with recruiting collegiate esports programs, especially while travel is inaccessible and in-person events are harder to come by, is one that must be addressed in order to ensure the continued growth of esports programs and the space as a whole. With over 50 NACE Member programs participating, NACE is excited to explore the possibility of other virtual recruiting events moving forward.
About NACE
The National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) is a nonprofit membership association organized by and on behalf of member institutions and is the largest association of college esports in North America. Together, NACE members are developing the structure and tools needed to advance collegiate esports in the varsity space. NACE colleges and universities collaborate to lay the groundwork in areas such as: eligibility, path to graduation, competition and scholarships. NACE represents the majority of varsity programs across North America.
About Tallo
Ping by Tallo is a virtual recruitment event solution that matches talent and recruiters at online college and career fairs. Both parties answer event-specific questions about what they’re looking for. Similar answers are matched up—and meaningful recruiting can begin.
Tallo is an online platform that connects the next generation of talent with opportunities. Students showcase talents and skills on their free Tallo digital portfolio so that colleges, companies, and organizations can identify and connect with them on the app. Over 1.6 million Tallo users get noticed, earn digital badges, and match with scholarships.
The North America Scholastic Esports Federation (NASEF) is on a mission to provide opportunities for all students to use esports as a platform to acquire STEM/STEAM-based skills and critical communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills needed to thrive in work and in life. NASEF operates under the umbrella of the World Wide Scholastic Esports Foundation (WWSEF). Find NASEF at NASEF.org and on Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram