
NASEF Japan to receive NPO status, developing young learners through Esports

Aug 10, 2022

NASEF JAPAN, NPO, 2022.08.01. 18:00: The Japan headquarter of NASEF (North America Scholastic ESports Federation), NASEF JAPAN (Tokyo, Chiyoda), operating as voluntary association so far, has been granted non-profit organization (NPO) status as of 2022, August 1st


In accordance with the core belief of NASEF, “providing adult support where children’s interests are,” NASEF JAPAN has been supporting educators and esports-related corporations and programs as a voluntary association since its start operation in November 2020.

Using its status as a non-profit organization, NASEF JAPAN plans to speed up and extend the range of its activities in order to further expand its educational and developmental contributions through esports. 

Main Activities


  1. Development of the original NASEF JAPAN educational contents

- Guidelines for establishing and running of ESports club activities

- Contents and materials for STEAM education in ESports clubs, computer clubs

- Improvement of educational contents currently used in Japanese, American school ESports environments


  1. Expansion

- Organization of NASEF JAPAN ESports tournaments and events

- Organization of NASEF tournaments with participation of all 21* NASEF countries (*as of July 2022)

- Seminars and training for teachers and educators

- Building communities of teachers and educators


  1. Survey and Research

- Conducting research about the developmental benefits of ESports with Tsukuba University and other research institutes

- Optimization and implementation of NASEF research and survey methods for Japanese needs

About The Organization

Official name: North American Scholastic ESports Federation JAPAN

Official website:


Organization Philosophy

NASEF JAPAN aims to develop and foster a human capital that is ready to face the economical, scientific, cultural, and environmental challenges of the 21st century with the necessary digital skills, cognitive skills, through efficient co-operation and teamwork.


Mission Statement

The mission of NASEF JAPAN is to create a pool of excellent DX workers by investing in the education and improvement of ICT skills of young learners through the expansion of ESports activities in Japan.

Profile: Akihiro Matsubara, Chairman of The Board, North America Scholastic Esports Federation JAPAN

Born in Osaka. Joined SONY after graduation. During his 15 years working overseas, Mr. Matsubara learned the necessities of skills and knowledge needed for conducting business successfully on a global scale. Chairman of NASEF JAPAN since 2020, November.

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