From Competition to Community
Mar 16, 2020
NASEF’s focus is now and will always be on the well-being and development of youth. Our leadership team met today to discuss how students and families will be impacted by the changes in school schedules and cancellation of extracurricular activities. Therefore we are shifting from “competition to community™” by launching our Community Club streams Monday - Friday.
Connections to family, friends and peers are critically important at this time. Given the present challenges and disruptions, NASEF realizes the need to use its connection of play and passion and learning, and its social network, to provide the support that people and communities need even more today.
To that end, NASEF’s education, gaming, and social experts have restructured our always-free environment to ensure that students and families can engage in safe and meaningful ways through our philanthropy and programming. Starting next week, we will be providing all NASEF clubs and members a free online space to hang out, embrace their love of esports, learn about the games they love and the people working in the industry, all in a safe and fully vetted and monitored social platform.
As school districts are temporarily closing, as mentioned above, the situation requires that we shift from competition to community™, and in line with that shift, we are postponing the Winter 2020 League of Legends High School Scholastic Tournament until further notice. The current playoffs schedule will be frozen, and we will provide updates to competing teams as they become available.
Meanwhile, join NASEF online beginning next week for the Student Sessions described above. Please visit our Community Club page for the latest schedules!