Summer FarmcraftĀ®Ā 

FarmcraftĀ®Ā 2024 is an educational program that uses the popular game Minecraft to enhance understanding of the evolving agricultural industry and its impact on global food security.

This summer, there are two challenges to participate in: Build Challenge and Coding Camp Challenge. Register below to join the challenges!



Timeline of events

July 8, 2024

Build A Market Launch LivestreamĀ 

July 24, 2024

Coding Camp Livestream Introduction

August 2, 2024

Market Builds Due

August 26, 2024

Coding Game Due

August 29, 2024

Showcase Stream

Build A Market Challenge

Participants will explore their local marketplace to investigate the variety of food available in their community, including factors such as whether it is identified as organic, conventionally bred and grown, or genetically engineered; as well as determining the place where it was grown and the price. Using their findings, they will recreate the marketplace in Minecraft. After constructing their virtual marketplace, participants will produce a video tour, showcasing the different produce available and sharing insights from their research. Missed the livestream? Watch the Video-on-Demand (VOD) here.



Coding Camp Challenge

This unique opportunity allows students to dive into the world of game development using the Minecraft Education GameCode curriculum. Participants will learn how to create immersive games within the Minecraft universe using MakeCode, a powerful, easy-to-learn block-based coding platform. The curriculum provides a comprehensive introduction to game design principles, equipping students with the skills needed to bring their creative visions to life. The challenge culminates with students designing and coding their very own Farmcraft minigame. In this project, students will apply their newfound coding skills and creativity to develop a farming-themed game within Minecraft. Whether itā€™s designing intricate crop patterns or creating challenging farming tasks, the possibilities are endless. This hands-on experience not only fosters a deep understanding of coding concepts but also encourages innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking to solve the agricultural challenges of tomorrow. Get ready to sow the seeds of your imagination in the NASEF Farmcraft Coding Challenge!Ā Missed the livestream? Watch the Video-on-Demand (VOD)Ā here.



Previous Livestreams

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FarmcraftĀ®Ā Archives

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FarmcraftĀ®Ā 2024

Thank you to all the participants who joined us for FarmcraftĀ®Ā 2024!Ā FarmcraftĀ®Ā 2024 was focused onĀ the impact of digital technology on agricultural productivity.Ā  Many of the agricultural productivity increases in the last few decades have directly resulted from the adaptation and adoption of digital technologies to farming!Ā View this season's page which includes the new world download, winners, educator lessons, previous livestreams and more!Ā 

Check it out!

FarmcraftĀ® 2021

View the FarmcraftĀ® 2021 page that includes the world download, educator lessons, YouTube playlist and winners!

Check it out!

FarmcraftĀ®Ā 2022

View the FarmcraftĀ®Ā 2022 page that includes the world download, educator lessons, YouTube playlist and winners!

Check it out!

FarmcraftĀ®Ā 2023

View the FarmcraftĀ®Ā 2023 page that includes the world download, educator lessons, YouTube playlist and winners!

Check it out!