Why We Play 
How We Practice

Tell us the story of "why we play"

Tell the world "how we practice"

NASEF Beyond The Game Challenge: Why We Play and How We Practice

NASEF is excited to present a Beyond the Game™ Video Challenge. In our first Why We Play campaign, we asked scholastic and community organizations to share any existing content or create documentaries about their programs. We challenged you to tell us, “Why We Play.”

This year, we're adding another challenge asking you "how we practice."

Submissions are due May 13, 2024.

Submit your entry

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View 2022 Submissions


All you have to do is submit to one of the two categories.
We will raffle three from each category.



 $500 grant to program and $500 value award.


Headset Raffle!

Avid will give 5 headsets to the top three in each category. 
(U.S Shipping Only)

Two Challenges

Challenge 1 – WWP Esports

Challenge 1 - Why We Play Esports

Challenge 2 - How We Practice 

Bring us into the program, interview your teammates and coaches, tell us why you show up every day. 
The content and format is up to you, the only thing that matters you tell us, in your word: the story of Why We Play.

Challenge 2 – “Call it!” 

ControllerShow us what you do during your practice.

Tell us about your routine .

Similar to the Why We Play Documentary, the content and format is up to you, just tell us: the story of How We Practice.

Questions to get you started!

Ask yourself why you play.

What does playing esports mean to you?

Why do you show up to your esports program?

Is there a mission statement, personal goal, or experience that you believe in and want to share? Tell us about it! 

Think about you do during your practice.

Is it in person or remote? Who manages your practice? How much is your coach involved?

Is there any physical practice? Do you have a routine? What do you decide to work on?

Is there a mission statement, personal goal, or experience that you believe in and want to share? Tell us about it!