NASEF Scrimfinder+
Welcome to the NASEF Scrimfinder+. Are you a high school team looking to scrim to improve your team’s performance and skills? Are you on a community team that is hoping to increase your team’s overall skills and teamwork? Are you a General Manager interested in connecting with other teams to scrim regularly as part of your club? The new and improved NASEF Scrimfinder+ has your match!
How It Works
Step One
Review and agree to the NASEF Scrimfinder+ rules. Read and acknowledge NASEF’s Code of Conduct.
Step Two
Search teams! You can search by game title, selected dates, and average team skill.
Add your high school team! Create your Scrimfinder+ profile and get started in your search.
Step Three
Contact your scrim partner. In order to contact your new scrim partner, you must be logged in and identify at least one team under your account. You may add additional teams for any title at any time. Once you are logged in and you contact your new scrim partner, they will receive an email informing them that you are interested in scrimming them. Your information will be included in the email, and the communication can begin!
Titles and Suggested Nights!
Learning from the community, we have decided to upgrade and expand the scrim finding experience...thus Scrimfinder+
New Titles
We will of course continue to support the three titles we have supported in the past:
- League of Legends (PC)
- Overwatch (PC)
- Rocket League (Cross-platform)
We are also adding:
- Brawlhalla (Cross-platform)
- Hearthstone (Cross-platform)
- Heroes of the Storm (PC)
- Paladins (Cross-platform)
- Smash Ultimate (Switch)
- SMITE (Cross-platform)
- TFT (PC - LoL client)
- Valorant (PC)
- Wild Rift (Mobile - When available in NA - March!?)
Suggested Nights
You can schedule and find scrims any time but we wanted to help increase your chances of finding a worthy opponent. Based on feedback from our community, we suggest the following nights for teams to assemble (but again - any title any time as you please):
- Sunday - All titles!!!
- Monday - SMITE, Paladins
- Tuesday - Rocket League, Brawlhalla, Smash Ultimate
- Wednesday - Valorant, Overwatch, Hearthstone, TFT
- Thursday - League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, Wild Rift
- Friday - OPEN (announcements forthcoming)
- Saturday - All titles!
Acceptance of Rules
By using the NASEF Scrim Finder, all participating parties agree to abide by the NASEF Code of Conduct when communicating, playing, and interacting with the other teams.
Utilization and use of this form includes submitting your team information and searching the Scrimfinder+ database.
We at NASEF hold our partners, students, general managers, coaches and beyond to the same standard: ensure our esports environment is inclusive, supportive and excellent. If you experience any activity that violates our Code of Conduct while using the NASEF Scrimfinder+ and interacting with the connected teams, please use this form to report the incident to NASEF.
- I have reviewed the NASEF Code of Conduct with the participating members of my team.
- I agree to uphold the NASEF Code of Conduct with the participating members of my team.
- I am confirming that my team is composed of high school students.
- I am confirming that I am older than 13 years or that I have the consent of my parent or person holding parental responsibility. NASEF will not sell or distribute your email address to any third party at any time. You can, of course, unsubscribe at any time. View our Privacy Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Scrim?
Scrims (short for scrimmages), are competitive games intended to be an alternative to playing or practicing individually in a low stakes, focused environment. Two teams get together on the soccer pitch or baseball field and have a mock game in an effort to test their mettle and get some practice in. Just like traditional sports, esports also utilizes scrims. Scrims are vital to the development of an esports team. The rules and game settings depend on what your team is looking to accomplish through the scrim.
Scrims can be utilized as warmups, a preparation match, experimentation, or just fun and friendly games. You don’t have to be a professional gamer to scrim!
Why is it important to scrim?
Scrimmaging helps an esports team develop their in-game skills, synergy, and communication as a team. There are two broad approaches teams may take on scrims, depending on their plan.
One approach is to treat scrims just like tournament matches, with the team trying as hard as they can to win and not pulling any punches. An oft-repeated phrase within sports psychology is to “practice like you play, and play like you practice.” This scrim experience can help players polish their communication and teamwork skills as they would in a real game, perfect their strategy, and finally, prepare the team mentally for the different kinds of games they will experience in a tournament setting.
The other approach to scrims a team may take is to use scrims as a time to drill specific in-game concepts or to implement and test new strategies the team has not tried before. Games played purely to win don’t give the players the opportunity to make mistakes like a scrim set might. For example, Phil Jackson, former esteemed basketball coach of the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, occasionally had his teams scrim in the dark in an effort to improve their communication and passing skills. Through this approach, a team can hone in on specific elements of performance or test the limits of their capabilities, while having the liberty to make mistakes. The team can then collect data about their findings, focus on areas of improvement, and tailor a plan to craft the strongest team possible.
What makes a good scrim partner?
A good scrim partner is respectful, punctual and communicative. When conducting scrims, teams must respect each other’s schedules and be ready to play at the agreed-upon time. If something comes up, a good scrim partner will always communicate any changes that may affect the scrim time with their partner. Don’t be a flake!
Some games require a good amount of setup time before diving into the scrim. Making sure your team prepares their scouting/drafting materials ahead of time to avoid delaying your scrim time makes you a good scrim partner.
A team that is late, unprepared (i.e. the team appears online but takes more time to get ready before playing), or disrespectful to other players is considered a bad scrim partner. Information travels fast in our digital world; a team can quickly earn a bad reputation if they treat their scrim partners poorly!